Those of you who read my blog regularly know that I put an emphasis on quality in my postings and recipes. So, if I did not think the people at Foodbuzzwere a fantastic group doing some excellent work in online food publishing, I would not have added this posting. In a few words, I want to announce the official launch of the FoodbuzzPublisher Community. Foodbuzzis an online culinary publishing network that currently includes over 1100 featured publishers worldwide. The range of food related material, from recipes to restaurant ratings and reviews which are available through Foodbuzz is enormous and growing daily. Join the community and offer up a restaurant review or share your recipes; there can never be enough information shared about food, especially if it is good!
Recently, Foodbuzz launched a global food blogging event known as 24, 24, 24 in which 24 blogs worldwide served up 24 signature meals to groups of guests, and published postings on their respective events within 24 hours. As the first such event of its kind in the world it was a huge success and has led to a series of monthly "24, 24, 24" food blogging events. This coming Saturday, October 25th 2008, is the second installment of "24, 24, 24" and it promises to be a tasty weekend for all those involved. I am looking forward to the Buzz from this weekend’s event. Stay tuned.
Here is a promotional video from the last (and first!) Foodbuzz "24, 24, 24":
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